Our COVID-19 Response
Evergreen Care PTY LTD is committed to creating a safe environment through the identification, management, control and monitoring of risks, including pandemics. We have put procedures in place to minimise the adverse health impacts of COVID-19 on our staff and participants, and also to reduce the burden and disruption to services.
We have procedures in place to care and support you in your home and continue to follow public health orders in carrying out COVID-safe practices at all sites. Evergreen Care is constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation as it changes and are adjusting our response accordingly.
Our staff are well trained on how to respond and are provided with necessary personal protective equipment.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are having COVID-19 symptoms, please call our office as soon as possible or inform our staff when they come to care for you and isolate. You will still be supported and cared for by our staff who will wear full personal protective equipment until you recover.
We will monitor your symptoms, engage a medical profession or your own GP and go with you to a COVID-19 testing site if required.
Please call our office or tell your support worker as soon as possible. You will be advised on what steps to take.
We will inform you and your family. The staff member will not attend work as they would be instructed to self-isolate and get tested if they have not been tested yet. You may be sent a different support staff to care and support you until your main carer is well and able to support you.